High amounts of vitamins B6, B12 may increase risk for hip fractures in older women

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High amounts of vitamins B6, B12 may increase risk for hip fractures in older women Reuters (5/15, Rapaport) reports researchers found that "older women who take supplements with high doses of vitamins B6 and B12 may be more likely than their…

Lower-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains may lower risk of death from breast cancer

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Lower-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains may lower risk of death from breast cancer The Washington Post (5/15, McGinley) reports that in “the latest analysis of the federally funded Women’s Health Initiative,” researchers…

CDC Campaign Task.Test.Treat. to combat rise in STD’s

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CDC Campaign Task.Test.Treat. to combat rise in STD's The CDC released a recent study indicating that STD's are on the rise in many states, including South Carolina. Their campaign Talk. Test. Treat. provides  strategies for discussing this…