Smokers who have a stroke more likely to have another one if they do not cut back, quit

Smokers who have a stroke more likely to have another one if they do not cut back, quit Reuters (5/17, Rapaport) reported that “smokers who have a stroke are much more likely to have another one if they don’t quit or at least cut back,…

TV watching adversely affects sleep in young children

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TV watching adversely affects sleep in young children Preschoolers with more than an hour of daily TV exposure had 22 minutes less nightly sleep compared with those who watched TV for less than an hour daily, researchers reported in the journal…

High amounts of vitamins B6, B12 may increase risk for hip fractures in older women

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High amounts of vitamins B6, B12 may increase risk for hip fractures in older women Reuters (5/15, Rapaport) reports researchers found that "older women who take supplements with high doses of vitamins B6 and B12 may be more likely than their…

Lower-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains may lower risk of death from breast cancer

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Lower-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains may lower risk of death from breast cancer The Washington Post (5/15, McGinley) reports that in “the latest analysis of the federally funded Women’s Health Initiative,” researchers…

CDC Campaign Task.Test.Treat. to combat rise in STD’s

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CDC Campaign Task.Test.Treat. to combat rise in STD's The CDC released a recent study indicating that STD's are on the rise in many states, including South Carolina. Their campaign Talk. Test. Treat. provides  strategies for discussing this…